How does Strong Tower Radio impact your life?
How do you think it affects the lives of other listeners?
I recently spoke with a WGCP listener, Mrs. E, who shared that she loves the programs, keeps her radio tuned to STR, and is very thankful for the edifying music STR plays. She stated that hardly anyone preaches repentance and conversion anymore, we’re living in the end time, and we need to be ready to meet Jesus! Amen, she has been listening!
Mr. G visited the church where my wife and I attend, and we introduced ourselves to Mr. G after service and enjoyed our visit with him. We also shared Strong Tower Radio with him. He doesn’t live in an area that STR currently reaches on the FM dial, so he began tuning in via internet streaming. Mr. G called me in a few days and expressed amazement at the power of the messages he’s hearing, and he has shared STR with his children and grandkids, some who live in other regions of the United States. Mr. G was so
moved by one message he heard on STR that he wants to meet the pastor personally and thank him.
Mr. J loves listening to STR on WGCP and says he learns new things almost daily. He loves the health programs and the powerful messages and describes STR as complete Christian radio, not just music like the others. The Holy Spirit continues to impress Mr. J to implement what he’s learning, and he
keeps moving forward in faith.
These three listeners exemplify the purpose of STR. Strong Tower Radio exists to share the everlasting gospel 24/7/365 with all who will hear. Who else will tell the world the truth?! Not your truth or my truth, no, this is the Way, the Truth, the Life, the whole gospel of Jesus Christ. How will they know if you and I
don’t share? We aren’t reaching people personally, one at a time, fast enough to reach everyone just once! Radio enables us to reach millions of people, not only once, but many times daily.
Your prayerful support of STR ultimately says one thing every day: those who have ears, let them hear. The Master says, “Thank you” for following Him.