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Gwen Kern Getting REAL Bible Answers

To her surprise, one day in December 2021, Gwen Kern began listening to 90.7 FM, WBHL. She had for many years listened to another station, 90.1 FM, yet one morning, she turned on her radio right at 8 a.m., and it was instead tuned to 90.7 FM, Strong Tower Radio (STR)! Bible Answers Live, with Doug Batchelor and Jean Ross, was on the air, and Gwen listened with great interest. Having no explanation for how the radio signal had moved, she didn’t change the dial but instead continued listening.

For years, Gwen had been accepting pastoral answers from her Lutheran upbringing for Bible questions. After moving north from Saginaw in 2021, she began searching for a church that followed the Bible and worshipped God in church, not entertainment! She had explored various churches in her area, across various denominations, to no avail. The worship services at some didn’t glorify God; others taught unbiblical doctrines and/or had no Bible answers for Gwen’s questions. Once again, God had an angel move the radio dial to connect His seeking child with the Truth as it is in Jesus! Praise God! Gwen listened more and was thrilled with what she was hearing. “This is what I’ve been looking for, deeper Biblical Truth,” she thought excitedly. Some things she heard were new to her, and she checked in the Bible: sure enough, that’s what it says!

After a couple of weeks of listening to STR, she was convicted of the seventh-day Sabbath. She looked up the nearest SDA church, walked into the Gladwin church the following Sabbath, and wondered why only seven people (remember Covid-19 recovery) were in such a large church! Those seven gave Gwen a warm welcome, and she relished the Biblical message with the genuine worship experience! She returned the following Sabbath and so appreciated Pastor Yonas’s straightforward, Biblical message. By the third Sabbath, Gwen began Bible studies with Coral Tennant, a Gladwin member who, a few years prior, had joined the SDA church as a result of listening to STR!

A thorough Bible student, Gwen finished a study series with Coral and another with Pastor Yonas and then studied out the 28 fundamental beliefs of the SDA church. She even wrote all the texts referenced with all 28 beliefs to see if they supported the doctrine with which they were listed. Everything checked out!

In June 2022 Gwen visited the Michigan Camp Meeting at Cedar Lake, MI and had a great experience. She marveled at such a large gathering of like-minded believers! STR listening continued to strengthen and confirm what she had found in Bible study, and Gwen pondered her next step. That next Sabbath, a more outspoken Gladwin member asked, “You believe the truth, why not be baptized and become a member of this church!” It was just the encouragement she needed. Gwen moved forward with
several others to be baptized on September 24, 2022, at the Gladwin SDA church, embracing the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ!

As she thought back to when she first discovered STR, Gwen recalled initially struggling with listening to Pastor Stephen Bohr, a deeper Bible preacher than she’d ever experienced. “He absolutely goes so fast,” she marveled! After almost two years of STR listening, further Bible study, and being a part of the Gladwin Seventh-Day Adventist Church, she is now better able to understand the messages and their present truth and related themes.

Praise God!

Gwen still regularly listens to and supports Strong Tower Radio and really likes the varied program formats comprising this ministry’s unique broadcast blend. “Strong Tower Radio introduced me to the truth,” Gwen states emphatically. Not a truth, the Truth. Glory to God for another changed and changing life!