Father's Day Recognition

June 15, 2024

Father’s Day falls before or during the Michigan Camp Meeting most years at Cedar Lake and somehow we needed to recognize our fathers.  This year the conference children’s divisions collaborated with Strong Tower Radio and the Blueprint for Men to distribute 500 “The Best Dad Ever” Father’s Day card that our children personalized in their respective division and gave to their dads.

That is not the only Father’s Day recognition this year.  Strong Tower Radio gave out 1000 “I love my dad” and “My kids live me” stickers to children and dads the first Sabbath of camp meeting.  The second camp meeting Sabbath they gave a Father’s Day jackknife to each dad whose children brought them to the Strong Tower Radio booth.  One hundred and seventy fathers and grandfather were honor that day.  It was more than a gift it was also training on how children should do the presentation with eye contact, a clear voice, and a smile.  The greatest joy was seeing the genuine smiles and hugs of fathers and grandfathers after the presentation.

Strong Tower Radio is hoping that this Father’s Day tradition will spread to the local church so all fathers may be honored.  They (We) are providing the Father’s Day Card and sticker template as well as a one minute heartwarming “I’m Glad Your My Dad” video at no cost to local churches.