Jean discovered Strong Tower Radio around 2014 while scanning her home radio dial for good Christian content. She listened for a time in the early morning while preparing for work, yet the reception was weak, sometimes with so much static that she couldn’t hear the message clearly. She tried listening for a few months, then switched back to a Grand Rapids Christian station, which her radio received clearly.
Several years passed, and the station to which Jean had tuned in for a time, 91.9 FM WGCP Cadillac, more than doubled in coverage area and strength. This signal now reached well beyond Jean’s home. Meanwhile, the Grand Rapids station to which she’d listened so long was purchased by another entity and changed formats. Jean stopped listening to that signal, and one day, on her work commute, she tuned in once again to Strong Tower Radio, 91.9 FM, WGCP.
Soon, she was listening at every opportunity, and sometimes, she would stay in her car listening in the driveway until the program finished at the top of the hour! The times of day when Jean could listen corresponded to sermons and evangelistic series broadcasts, and she heard many messages on prophecy. As she listened, these messages began to make sense as they connected Bible prophecy to our time,
not just some future time or time in the distant past.
This historical interpretation method fueled Jean’s growing interest in prophecy and Bible teaching. She compared some of what she heard on STR to the Bible and found it true, but her long work hours and daily living responsibilities left little time for deep study.
COVID-19 resolved that conflict for a few weeks, and Jean had some time to catch up on her Bible study and test STR content. She found that the Bible verified what STR preachers had said. Without a regular work schedule for a while, Jean utilized STR as a schedule discipline. When specific programs aired, that meant it was time for a certain action at home. During that time, STR aired a 60-part Ken Cox series that she was able to hear twice per day. That second broadcast, like a review, really helped Jean understand the message as she followed in her Bible. As Jean states, Things need to make sense to me; I’m a simple person.”
Not only did Jean understand the messages, but this experience also convinced her that she must be baptized. That meant change. She’d attended a church for a few years yet avoided joining because she wanted to retain certain things in her life. The strong conviction to be baptized and follow Jesus completely led Jean to leave behind all that held her back. Praise God!
She called STR and was then connected with Big Rapids Seventh-day Adventist pastor Garhett Morgan. Pastor Morgan’s wife Dakota and Jean studied the Bible together to confirm Jean’s understanding and on September 2020, she signified her acceptance of the everlasting gospel with baptism in the nearby Muskegon River. Glory to God!
Jean’s favorite verse, Jeremiah 9:24, has become more meaningful through her listening to STR and becoming a part of the Seventh-day Adventist church: “But let him that glories glory in this, that he understands and knows me, that I [am] the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these [things] I delight, says the LORD.”
Jean continues listening to STR and finds it such a blessing. We praise God for changing another life through listening to STR and that He continues to sustain His children through this ministry, where God’s character is proclaimed!